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Be My Beloved Bouquet
The Be My Beloved Bouquet is a stunning expression of love, perfect for Valentine’s Day or any romantic occasion. The soft elegance of pale pink Asiatic lilies blends beautifully with the passionate red spray roses, creating a message of love with every petal. The bouquet is further enhanced by hot pink roses, alstroemeria, standard carnations,…
The Be My Beloved Bouquet is a stunning expression of love, perfect for Valentine’s Day or any romantic occasion. The soft elegance of pale pink Asiatic lilies blends beautifully with the passionate red spray roses, creating a message of love with every petal. The bouquet is further enhanced by hot pink roses, alstroemeria, standard carnations, and lush Israeli ruscus, all artfully arranged in a clear glass vase with a gold base. This exquisite arrangement is a heartfelt and beautiful way to show your love, making it a truly memorable gift for someone special.
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